Public policy choices promoted by government officials, movements in public opinion or decisions taken by politicians have become critical determinants of success. When you are well-informed you can adapt and prosper or you can try to influence the evolution of things. A timely flow of good quality information is simply essential to the modern manager. “Not knowing” is no longer an option.

In Europe the EU sets the pace. Eamonn Bates Europe has a network of contacts and an international team of professional people linked into the process in Brussels. We know what is going on in Europe. We will help you to stay close to the action, to get to know the players and the processes at work. We will monitor key issues for you, provide insights, inside tracks.

Eamonn Bates Europe is unique in the way that it harnesses information technology to deliver intelligence to clients in the most systematic and flexible manner.

Issue auditing

We work with you and your team to identify the most relevant policy and legislative initiatives for your organisation, and prioritise these for action. With the results of this audit in hand, you have the basis for informing colleagues and launching or updating your public affairs strategy and programme.

Systematic, comprehensive issue tracking

We will monitor key issues for you as they move through the EU process in whatever policy area you need on an ongoing and systematic basis, channelling the information through our tried and tested proprietary online information delivery system.

Made-to-measure monitoring programmes

We provide monitoring programmes tailored to your precise needs, delivered in whatever form is best for your organisation. In addition to the EU process, we will keep on top of the broader debate and the positions and lobbying of stakeholders. This can be a daily, weekly, monthly or ad hoc reporting on a selection of key issues.

Creation of issue databases

For your organisation’s most important issues you may want in-depth background material gathered and held in one place for research and analysis and updated on an ongoing basis. From research reports and consultation papers, to official documentation and background on related issues, to stakeholder positions and press coverage. Whatever you need – in a handbook, online or both. You decide.

Website or intranet applications

One of our particular fields of expertise is delivering EU policy information to clients online. We can integrate systematic tracking into your intranet or extranet environment to share across the organisation. Eamonn Bates Europe already does this for leading corporations, industry associations and government departments.