Good public affairs practice is grounded in high quality information. But simply knowing what is going on is not enough. Information is valuable only when you understand its impact and then act on it.

Eamonn Bates Europe will help you analyse the implications of EU policy on your organisation – or on your suppliers, customers, competitors, rivals. We’ll help you understand and interpret what is going on in Brussels. Then we’ll support you in setting up internal systems to digest in full the impact of policies, proposals and related trends on your organisation’s key interests.

Those best-equipped to assess the real world threats and opportunities of the policy-maker’s action are often the people running your organisation on a daily basis. Yet, they are usually far-removed from the world of public affairs and politics and don’t understand how it all functions. The last thing they want is another call on their time. We’ll help you to get their attention and then help them to understand the issues.

We will advise you on assembling the right teams of people from within your organisation to respond in whatever way makes most sense for your particular situation – because no two organisations are ever the same.

Once we have understood together the full implications of a piece of legislation or other initiative, Eamonn Bates Europe will go on to help you devise strategies for managing the issues that you can then bring to the board room. Strategies for adapting internally, strategies for influencing outcomes in the external environment, strategies for winning people over to your way of thinking and for setting agendas the way you want them set.

In-depth issue or policy research and report writing

At certain moments you may need a detailed report based on careful research to inform further decisions – either internally or for external audiences. Some policy-makers will be best persuaded by a comprehensive analysis of a situation. We will work with you to execute the work required or, as necessary, identify the best experts to do it, with the credentials to impress and influence.

Impact analysis

We will work with you, your team and/or external experts to analyse the potential impact of a proposed or existing policy, law or trend.

Stakeholder mapping

When your aim is to influence the process of law and policy-making, it pays to know who else is involved. Our consultants will analyse the situation and prepare a “stakeholder map” which identifies the key decision-makers and the influencers, as well as the other stakeholders who have an interest and, most likely, a view to express. This will facilitate you in the development of a public affairs or advocacy strategy and plan, with or without our support.

Executive briefing sessions

Sometimes the best placed people for identifying the threats and opportunities that an EU initiative brings are involved in operational roles, far removed from the policy world. Or they may be the most senior management that must endorse and then take ultimate responsibility for key strategic decisions. We will work with you to brief these executives via seminar, one-on-one meeting or conference call. At times it can be especially helpful to have an outside view in this context.


Ever wanted to have a second opinion or someone to guide you along an unfamiliar or tricky path? Our most experienced consultants will be your sounding board or guide. The experienced public affairs practitioner can benefit from an alternative view, even if it only serves to confirm that the right options are already being envisaged, step-by-step. If you are completely new to the Brussels and EU scene, then you will find no better “sherpas” than Eamonn Bates Europe to help you climb the mountain.

Strategic plans and implementation programmes

One of Eamonn Bates Europe’s greatest strengths lies in its ability to formulate winning public affairs strategies (and associated communications programmes), based on years of experience and a proven record of success. We will work with you to review the options, develop the strategy and positioning you need and the plans for implementing it. We never propose off-the-shelf solutions. We work with you in an active and critical way, challenging you at every step, to develop jointly a strategy and plan that is, in the end, “owned” by your organisation.