There is no getting away from the fact that the Internet is a fundamental source of information for everybody today – after all, you are reading this now thanks to the Internet! We all expect to be able to find what we want with “the click of a mouse”, quickly and intuitively. And if the overall experience of the site is pleasant, imaginative and stimulating, then a website can leave us a lasting (good) impression of an organisation.

This applies equally to online public affairs information. An effective website is increasingly an indispensable tool for any public affairs activity. It is a clear, convenient point of reference that must be just that – clear, convenient and a point of reference.

Eamonn Bates Europe will work with you to identify the communications goals you must address and the best way to handle them online. We can develop concepts and designs. We work closely with a selection of service providers to provide the technology.

Electronic newsletters or ad hoc bulletins

Electronic news or information services can have an internal or an external focus. They are often linked to websites and intra/extranet systems. The medium has grown, often adding to the clogging of Inboxes. Much is treated as – and often is – spam and gets dragged onto the trash icon. The really good examples become trusted sources, however, and can help build reputation and influence thinking. We will help design and manage such electronic services, working closely with you to ensure you keep control of content.

Online surveys and petitions

Given the ubiquitous nature of the internet today, there may be occasions when an online survey will enable you to gather information easily from target audiences or even the general public. Individuals can be targeted directly and/or a networked approach can be taken. Once you have gathered the data, we’ll help interpret it and communicate the outcomes if desired. Much loved and often very effectively used by the NGO community, the online petition is becoming a more common feature of the public affairs world. These are typically powered by email and hosted on dedicated websites. They also appear on some issue specific blog sites. Perhaps a petition would enhance a campaign you are involved in. We’ll advise on strategy and implementation and manage the whole project should you wish.

Websites for public affairs

Busy politicians and their staff, government officials, journalist, NGOs and the general public will all expect to find relevant information via the Internet. If you are not present, then you miss an opportunity, whilst a poor web presence can prejudice your situation in other ways. We will help you get it right from concept to implementation.

Smartphone applications

Public affairs professionals are realising that smartphone “Apps” can be an indispensable tool. Smartphones have changed the way we use and share information. Eamonn Bates Europe has led the way with its own App EP Mobile. We also devise Apps to help clients participate in key debates, raise profile and influence the thinking of decision-makers.

Video Production

Video has rapidly become the most used medium for telling an effective story. Whether you are seeking a corporate video or a promotional video for a website or social media, we can help you craft the perfect narrative for your audience. Our refreshing approach means you can be confident your video will achieve the results you want.


A clever blog site can be an effective way to launch a debate and get a message out. But few blog sites are influential on their own merits – even if the best ones usually are.

A lot of behind-the-scenes work is needed to breathe life into a blog so that it generates a real community of its own and starts to get noticed and read by the people you want to influence. We can help maximise the chances of your blog getting noticed by developing and running a blog management programme.