Regardless of the way in which it is delivered, the written word remains a fundamental tool for the public affairs professional for both internal and external communications. Top management almost always wants “the one-pager” before every decision. And after a meeting with a policy-maker, the leave-behind written material must keep your agenda in sharp focus, reinforcing the message delivered in person.

Briefing notes and fact sheets; speeches and presentations; reports and brochures; position papers and campaign letters; blogs and websites; advertisements and advertorials; articles and press releases – all depend upon the core text that communicates the message you want to convey. And for that, it is essential to have people who understand the policy context holding the pen.

Whether you need a tightly-focused and well-argued position paper or stylish advertising copy that catches the imagination around a policy issue, we can help. Our consultants will also advise on concepts, design and graphics, if needed, and then execute assignments to your exact needs. In today’s overcrowded advocacy world, it is not always the best message that gets heard. Very often it is the message best communicated that stands out and is acted upon. The distinction is subtle but telling…

Should you need or wish to work in other languages, our international, multilingual team can help. And we are used to working with translation agencies when multiple language versions are required.

Annual reports

Today’s transparency culture requires ever more documentation and reporting. We will work with you to design and write the reports to do the job – be it an association annual report; a campaign progress report; or corporate social responsibility document.
Brochures & other presentation materials

Profiling your organisation or an issue often requires a tangible trace, a point of reference that can be consulted in private. Brochures, leaflets and other materials are tried and tested and still effective, although they now need to complement or marry with online communications. Again, we are at your service, comfortable with writing about a wide variety of topics from an EU policy-making perspective for maximum impact and effectiveness.

Position papers

A vital tool of the public affairs professional is the position paper that sets out your organisations interests, concerns and desires. And yet, more poor position papers are produced and used in Brussels than one would expect. A position paper by definition must convey a position in a clear, understandable and prioritised way, talking the language of the decision-maker. Years of experience and formidable drafting skills enable us to arm you with a top class tool to support your lobbying. We can start from scratch and take you through the whole process of defining your position and writing the paper. Alternatively, we’ll take your existing position paper and hone it to perfection, editing or even recasting it so that it becomes an effective and powerful communications tool.
Presentation slides

If you need a presentation for public affairs goals, we will develop the concept and write the contents. We will draft the texts for slides, notes or accompanying scripts, as required. And, of course, we can handle the production aspects also, working with appropriate service providers as appropriate and necessary.

Press releases

With so many demands on EU policy-makers coming from all sides, it is not always possible to get your message heard simply by traditional means. Furthermore, the growth of interest representation in Brussels means that issues are becoming increasingly politicised. As a result the influence of the press is growing as lobbyists seek to communicate their views indirectly to politicians and policy-makers via the press and media, often with a view to exerting political pressure in a more populist way. Eamonn Bates Europe will draft press releases for you that get attention and convey your key message. We can also set up a full press relations programme including press events.

Production services

In addition to being skilled writers for and about the EU policy world, Eamonn Bates Europe is also experienced in handling the production side, from the simple to the most complex. We can coordinate translation for multilingual output and arrange graphic design (often based on creative concepts developed by our own consultants). And we will make sure that printers deliver a top quality product at the end. Sounds simple, it isn’t. That is why you need us.
Regular newsletters & ad hoc bulletins

These can have an internal or an external focus. Either way, we help design or upgrade these and produce content to order, working closely with you to ensure you keep control.

Report writing

Got all the factual elements, now need to pull them together and present them convincingly? We can write the reports you need to inform and persuade. We can take the dry scientific research report and turn it into a winning tool by communicating the findings in a winning way.