A younger European Parliament with a female touch

We’ve done the arithmetic about the composition of the new European Parliament… First big news (that we actually predicted here) is that we passed the 40% mark for female MEPs taking a seat in the hemicycle, hitting 41%! In 2014, only 36.5% were women but, going at this pace, we may reach 50% at the next vote in 2024. We hope so!

Not only have we got a more feminine Parliament, it is also younger! The average age of members went down from 53 in the last mandate to 49.5. Even if the Parliament website is vague on who was awarded with the “oldest MEP” award, we all know whom we’re talking about…We’ll give you a hint: he’s a rather well-known Italian…

In the meantime, committees are now voting for chairs and vice-chairs. Are you ready to contact them? We are! Check out The MEP Database: e-Contacts EP!

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