A younger European Parliament with a female touch

We’ve done the arithmetic about the composition of the new European Parliament... First big news (that we actually predicted here) is that we passed the 40% mark for female MEPs taking a seat in the hemicycle, hitting 41%! In 2014, only 36.5% were women but, going at this pace, we...

What about opening a farm in the European Parliament?

Maybe it’s time to find a spot for cows and pigs around the European Parliament… Why? Because in the hemicycle we have some experienced farm owners amongst the members of the parliament and there is certainly enough expertise for MEPs to start an own-operation and keep the Parliament fully supplied!...

The anthill behind the new MEPs

Busy days in Strasbourg for our new MEPs. The new European Parliament gave a pale green light to Ursula von der Leyen and today they will appoint interparliamentary delegations. Who’s there to help them keep pace with this tight agenda? Their legislative and administrative assistants of course! We took a...